Hello to all our Murrumbateman Stormers families,
We are very excited that Friday 22 September, is the official start of registrations for the upcoming Little Athletics season which will commence in early November!
Read on for details about our season and how to register.
Season dates:
- 22 September – Registrations open
- 1 November – Season start, first session
- 13 December – Christmas themed session
- **Break over Christmas holidays**
- 31 January – Season re-commence
- 28 February – Final training session (field closed for resurfacing works from 1 March)
- 6 March – Awards presentation and end of season celebration event.
Council have recently completed works to add irrigation to the Murrumbateman oval. We were very pleased to be informed the oval will be ready and available for us to use in time for our season start.
The construction of the new amenities block at the Recreation Grounds has meant we will be without a long jump pit for the first half of the season, until a new one can be constructed in a new location.
We are also very pleased the oval will soon be resurfaced which will be a huge improvement for us in the future. Council have advised the works will commence on the oval first week of March, which is why we will be finishing our season earlier than usual. Weather permitting we will have 12 sessions plus presentation.
When deciding on the fee structure for this season, our Executive Committee took in to consideration the NSW Active Kids Vouchers have reduced to $50, current cost of living pressures on families and the reduction in number of session and events on offer.
With this in mind, we have slightly reduced our fees this season. A large portion of the fee goes to our overarching association Capital Athletics, and for this reason we do not offer refunds or fee reductions for multiple children from the same family.
**The registration does not include a compulsory $35 Stormers top (t-shirt, tank or crop) for all athletes except tiny tots.
Tiny Tots | $40.00 | $30.00 | $70 | $70 |
Single Registration (U6 – U17 athlete) | $43.50 | $76.50 | $120 | $70 |
Registrations have opened from today, and will remain open through throughout the season. We accept NSW active kids vouchers which can be downloaded from Services NSW.
Details on how to register are on our website and will be further updated in coming days www.murrumbatemanlittleathletics.com.au
Click here https://resultshq.com.au/Login/Index/ to start your registration.
Keep an eye on our Facebook page and Website for updates as we near the start of our season.
Any questions, contact us on info@murrumbatemanlittleathletics.com.au
We hope to see you all soon!
Murrumbateman Little Athletics Stormers Team