2023/24 Awards
At the end of each season, the Club holds an award presentation ceremony. Every athlete receives a medallion and a certificate listing their achievements for the season.
Special awards are then given to outstanding Stormers athletes across four categories for each age group.
- Most improved The athlete who has come along significantly from their first session of the season. Not necessarily the fastest, farthest etc, but who has improved the most.
- Age Managers Award (This is the athlete who has regularly attended, listened to instructions, exhibited the behaviour and values encouraged by the Club and has led by example, so not the fastest etc)
- Merit Award (This award is to recognise the highest performing, all-round Athlete in each group. It is a combination of fastest and farthest, not just someone who is strong in one event, but who is strong across all the events)
- Sportsmanship Award (Awarded to the athlete who regularly encourages and supports their team mates, and provides a noticeable weekly contribution to the ethos of the group)
The 2023/24 season award winners:
Most Improved | Age Manager Award | Merit Award | Sportsmanship award | |
Under 6 | Luca Patton | Laurel Cooper | Isabelle Thomson | Mackenzie Barrett |
Under 7 | Eleanor Harvey | Emma Blazejak | Neve Turner | Aria Schulte |
Under 8 | Hegalo Teofilo | Rosalind Clark | London Scarlet | Lep Eadie |
Under 9 | Anastasia Insixiengmay | Arcie Swaffield | Alan McRae | Phoebe Jones |
Under 10 | Esther Payne | Matthew Cuthbert | Kade Okkonen | Phoebe Jones |
Under 11 | Lucy Lustenberger | Elijah Insixiengmay | Teuila Teofilo | Sascha Karszniewicz |
Under 12-14 | Willow Butler | George Watson | Gabbie Iglewski | Makayla Timm |
Stormers Club Person of the Year 2023/24
This award is to recognise an athlete who regularly demonstrates the Murrumbateman Stormers spirit. This includes attributes such as sportsmanship, determination, resilience, participation and enthusiasm, and can be awarded to anyone across all of the age groups.
Our nominees this season were:
- Archie Swaffield
- Gabbie Iglewski
- Zoe Rushby
- Isabelle Thomson
- Bridget Tilyard
The Stormers Club Person of the Year 2023/24 – Gabbie Iglewski
Volunteer of the Year
Someone who has given the Club much of their time in contributing to the function and success of what we do. There are a lot of quiet achievers among our volunteers who put in considerable amounts of time for the betterment of our Club.
Nominees this season were:
- Katrina and John Cuthbert
- Lisa Tilyard
- The BBQ crew – Brenda, Chris, Ken and Kay
Volunteer of the Year 2023/24 – Lisa Tilyard
Club Champion
The Club Champion perpetual trophy is awarded to the athlete with the highest average per event over the season. The point score takes into account gender and age against the recorded result and to be eligible, the Athlete needs to have a minimum attendance across the season. This means the Club Champion is the Stormers highest performing athlete for the season.