Session #2 – 2/11/2022
Welcome back Stormers to the second training session of the season. The weather looks to be clearing for our scheduled session this week, however with the amount of rain the area has received, the additional areas we have been using at the Rec Grounds will be assessed from a safety perspective and the club advised if it is unsuitable.
As the oval at the Murrumbateman Recreation Grounds continues to be unsafe and unusable for our little athletics sessions, we are continuing with the modified program until atleast the start of December.
Here are is the key information families need to know this week: If the session is cancelled due to rain/storms, club will be advised on our FB page and a post on our website by 3pm on the Wednesday.
Important-Please be careful when driving in, around and parking at the Rec grounds. There are pot holes, uneven surfaces and many of the usual grass parking areas are VERY soft and we don’t want to have cars getting bogged. Please use common sense.
Modified Program will continue.
– While the oval is unavailable we will be using different areas of the Rec Grounds and will not be recording events.
– These sessions will focus on skills building.
– We also expect it will take longer to move around and the groups won’t get through as many events as they would normally.
– Please be patient, some of our volunteers are new and this programming is new to everyone.
– We hope everyone will be gracious and understand we are doing our best in a challenging situation to still deliver something for the children.
Need to know: Rego patches and uniforms will still be available in the markets shed from 5.40pm.
Warm up starts for all groups at 6pm at the Village green (where the markets are held)
Athletes will then line up in age groups, meet their Age Manager and head off to their first activity of the night.
REMINDER – parents are expected to stay onsite, with your children and assist the age managers in the running of the evening.
Mud is going to be inevitable for some time, you have been warned 🙂
Session Plan for download and printing.