Session #12 – 02/03/2022
Rain, rain go away… The weather forecast is for rain and storms, but we have our fingers crossed it waits until after this awesome session we have planned! We also have a big weekend of opportunities for our Club to show our Stormers spirit, read on for more details… If we have to cancel the session due to the rain forecast, we will post on our website and on FB by 3pm on Wednesday.
A reminder if you or your children have any COVID symptoms to please give our session a miss this week.
U10 families are on event setup this week. Please be at the equipment container at 5.30pm to assist.
Join us on Saturday March 5th when the Stormers take on Riverbank Parkrun!
Sunday March 6th we will be back at Riverbank Park in Yass. Join us for a BBQ breakfast from 8am, to support Amanda Miller at the conclusion of her fundraising challenge for local family, the Hardings. Check out GoFundMe for more details or to donate.
Session Plan for download and printing.
All are invited to join us for our next Stormers Committee meeting, Monday 7 March @ 7pm at the Murrumbateman Pub. This is a great way to learn about how we run the club, the roles of different volunteer positions and importantly make a contribution to the discussion and decisions relating the Club. Please email secretary@murrumbatemanlittleathletics.com.au